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7 Tips to Make Sure Your Ready

By Dave Dussault

Ice Fishing anyone?
If you want to have the best time of your life ice fishing this year then you need to check out these seven simple tips and see how prepared you are to catch those fish!

1. Buy early

Make a list of the supplies you used last season and replenish them early. Make sure you get all those Lindy Tazers or Glo-Buster Bluelights. All you need to remember is four words: wise up, stock up.

2. Check the hole on the ice floor

Make sure you have a clean edge on the hole. Chips or chunks of ice could cause entanglements in your fishing line and could sever the line if this happens, you could lose that catch of a lifetime bluegill. The most important thing here is to keep the hole clear of any barrier.

3. Catch more with the big four

The bait you simply cannot go on without: minnows, maggots, wax worms, assorted PowerBait. It is best to keep alive as much as possible and separated by using coolers such as a small Coleman.

4. Clean 'em all up

Inspect and clean the fishing rods and reels you are going to use. If you want to get the nicks our of all the small nook and crannies of your ice rod then try using simple Q-tips. Don't forget that you are going to be in freezing conditions so it is recommended.

5. Heat Up

If you expect to have the time of your life ice fishing then you want to stay warm! Do not forget to bring those heaters and lots of propane cylinders. One cannot fish comfortably if he or she is as cold as the fish under the ice. Ice fishing should be fun and feel comfy too.

6.House Up

The ice is harsh and cold but it doesn't mean you have to feel that too. A good ice house tent is well worth having. Ice tents should be cleaned out as well as putting over a light coat of lubricant at the joints. If there is any old damage, it is best to contact the manufacturer in order for them to send out the proper repair kit, as deemed necessary.

7. Gear Up

We all already know the golden rule, better to be safe than sorry! It is a good idea to bring along some safety rope and a set of lifeguard spikes. If you want to stay warm and not sweat at the same time, pick up a fishing coat from the Carhartt Extremes Arctic Jacket. Avoid frost bits on your toes and feet, the best shoes are the Irish Setters Versa Trax to keep you warm all over.

By following these seven tips it will help ensure you have a very safe and successful winter ice fishing trip. Click on the link to learn and share the best winter fishing tips and be sure to check out our FREE fishing forum at https://www.getyourlinewet.com.

Dave Dussault

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