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Rule #1: There Is No Such Thing As Safe Ice!

Rules for Ice Fishing

Many factors affect ice thickness including type of water, location, the time of year and other environmental factors such as:

Ice Colour The colour of ice may be an indication of its strength.
Clear blue ice is strongest.
White opaque or snow ice is half as strong as blue ice. Opaque ice is formed by wet snow freezing on the ice.
Grey ice is unsafe. The grayness indicates the presence of water.

Minimum ice thickness should be:
15 cm for walking or skating alone
20 cm for skating parties or games
25 cm for snowmobiles.
Remember - thickness is only one consideration while enjoying activities on ice, and the minimum thicknesses are guidelines only. Local conditions and the type of water body will affect the ice strength.

Check with local authorities for information on local ice conditions before heading out on the ice. Obey posted signs indicating when and where ice surface is acceptable for activities. Avoid going out on ice at night.

Simple and Effective Homemade Ice Picks

Cut off 6" from a broom handle
Pound a nail in one end and grind to a point
Drill a hole thru the other ends and insert a cord long enough to thread thru your coat arms and across the shoulders leaving enough length to grip them in each hand.

When You Are Alone On Ice
If you get into trouble on ice and you are by yourself:

Call for help.

Resist the immediate urge to climb back out where you fell in. The ice is weak in this area.

Try to relax and catch your breath. Turn yourself toward shore so you are looking at where you entered onto the ice. The ice is more stable close to shore.

Reach forward onto the broken ice without pushing down. Kick your legs to try to get your body into a horizonal position.

Continue kicking your legs, and crawl onto the ice. When you are back on the ice, crawl on your stomach or roll away from the open area with your arms and legs spread out as far as possible to evenly distribute your body weight. Do not stand up! Look for shore and make sure you are crawling in the right direction.

When You Are With Others On Ice

Rescuing another person from ice can be dangerous. The safest way to perform a rescue is from shore.

Call for help. Consider whether you can quickly get help from trained professionals (police, fire fighters or ambulance) or bystanders.

Check if you can reach the person using a long pole or branch from shore – if so, lie down and extend the pole to the person.
If you go onto ice, wear a PFD and carry a long pole or branch to test the ice in front of you.

Bring something to reach or throw to the person (e.g. pole, weighted rope, line or tree branch).
When near the break, lie down to distribute your weight and slowly crawl toward the hole.

Remaining low, extend or throw your emergency rescue device (pole, rope, line or branch) to the person.

Have the person kick while you pull them out.

Move the person to a safe position on shore or where you are sure the ice is thick. Signal for help.

Loss of body heat to the water, is a major cause of deaths in boating and ice fishing accidents. The leading cause of death is listed as drowning; but, often the primary cause is hypothermia. It should also be noted that alcohol lowers the body temperature around two to three degrees by dilating the blood vessels.

Do not drink alcohol around cold water.
Keep in mind, wind and rain can also cause severe hypothermia.
If your boating a properly worn life jacket and rain gear are a must and a flotation suit for icefishing.

Effects Of Hypothermia Recommended Ice Thickness Chart

Humminbird 410150-1 Piranhamax 4 Fishfinder

Recommended Ice Thickness Chart

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Rapala Combo Pack 6 1/2 Pliers / 5 1/2 Forceps

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