1 Townline Street
St Williams, Ontario N0E 1P0
Bayside Ice Fishing in St Williams provides a relaxing ice fishing experience for those who seek the fun of fishing, and the heat of a shelter.
Located on Lake Erie they fish the inner bay of Long Point which offers some of the best perch and pike fishing anywhere.
Ice Fishing Services
Rates are $60 for adults $30 for kids 13 under.
There is a $240 hut minimum on weekends and Holidays.
Hut rental includes ride to and from your hut, bait, and firewood. Guides will start your fire and drill out holes. Outside holes can also be drilled if you wish.
All huts are heated with a wood burning stove (which has a space large enough for a frying pan for cooking).
There is bench seating in every hut.
Start running at around 7 am and like to have everyone off the ice by around 4:30 pm.
Open daily at 6:00 am for minnow sales (don't forget your bucket) at $10 per scoop.
Shuttle sleighs are not covered, so you will want to dress warm for the ride.
No overnight huts.
No additional shuttle services.
Cash only.
The guide will check in on you throughout the day to make sure you have enough bait and firewood.
All ice hut rentals are daily rentals (4, 5 and 6 man huts).
Contact: Manager | Phone: 1 (519) 586-2666
Email: baysideicefishing@gmail.com
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