Ontario IceFishing Hut Operator Services Logo

Lake Dalyrmple
Dalrymple Dave's Fish Huts
128 Fulsom Crescent
Orillia, Ontario L3V 6H5

Contact: Dave
Phone: (855) 923-3235
Email: dalrympledaves@gmail.com

Welcome to Dalrymple Dave's Fish Huts where the main goal is to always achieve a high level of customer satisfaction with the services and products provided.

Hillbilly Hickey Style Ice Hut Rentals
Guiding services runs out of Trent, Haliburton and Kawarthas and extends to Lake Simcoe

Contact: Owner (DM on Facebook)

Humminbird 410150-1 Piranhamax 4 Fishfinder
Recommended Ice Thickness Chart