Ontario IceFishing Hut Operator Services Logo

Muskie Bay Resort
2740 Muskie Bay Road
Nestor Falls, Ontario P0X 1K0

Contact: Paul and Chris | TF: 1 (877)228-2076 | Cell: 1 (608)469-3644
Email: muskiebay@hotmail.com

Muskie Bay Resort offers the finest fishing and hunting vacations in the Nestor Falls, Crow Lake "Kakagi Lake" and Lake Of The Woods area.

Sunset Cove Resort
1503 Highway 71
Nestor Falls, Ontario P0X 1K0

Contact: Mike and Erin Gate
Phone: (807) 484-2192 | TF: (888) 484-2192 | Cell: (807) 276-1588 | (807) 276-0650
Email: mgate@sympatico.ca

Ice Fishing and Snowmobiling is almost as popular as summer fishing in Nestor Falls, Ontario! Sunset Cove Resort currently has cabins that are winterized to accommodate 14 guests.

La Belle's Birch Point Camp
Birch Point Road
Devlin, Ontario P0W 1C0

Contact: Dale La Belle | Phone: (807) 486-3345
Email: labelles@xplornet.com

La Belle's Birch Point Camp fishes Rainy Lake for walleye, northern pike, crappie and bass. Fish on your own or if you need a guide let them know and they will make sure you're catching fish all day long!

Humminbird 410150-1 Piranhamax 4 Fishfinder

Recommended Ice Thickness Chart

Pelican Nomad 40 Sled 4 Season Sled
Pelican Nomad 40 Sled 4 Season Sled